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Favipiravir (Favipiravir)


Favipiravir je antivirotikum používané k léčbě mírných až středně závažných infekcí SARS. Funguje tak, že inhibuje replikaci virů způsobujících infekci. Před použitím tohoto léku se doporučuje informovat lékaře o své podrobné anamnéze a anamnéze léků. Po užití tohoto léku můžete mít průjem a určité psychiatrické příznaky. Pokud nežádoucí účinek sám o sobě neustoupí nebo se zhorší, informujte svého lékaře nebo navštivte nejbližší kliniku. Měli byste se vyhnout užívání tohoto léku, pokud jste těhotná, kojíte, trpíte jakýmikoli problémy s játry nebo ledvinami nebo jste na něj alergičtí.

BaleníCenaPomocí tabletaÚsporaObjednat
400mg × 90 tabletyKč 7565.76Kč 84.06Kč 3240.58Přidat do košíku
400mg × 60 tabletyKč 5764.10Kč 96.07Kč 1440.12Přidat do košíku
Nejprodávanější množství.

Favipiravir tablets

What is this medicine?

Favipiravir is an antiviral medicine used to treat mild to moderate SARS infections. It works by inhibiting the replication of the infection-causing viruses. Before using this medicine, it is advised to inform the doctor about your detailed medical and medication history.


Do not administer favipiravir to woman known or suspect to be pregnant!

What should my health care professional know before I take this medicine?

Talk to your doctor if:

  • You suspect pregnancy while taking favipiravir, discontinue the treatment and consult your doctor immediately.
  • You experience psychoneurotic symptoms such as abnormal behaviour, irritability, sadness, etc. after taking this medicine.
  • A pregnancy test should be performed for a woman of childbearing age, only if it is negative, can favipiravir be given. This medicine can harm the foetus, hence pregnancy has to be avoided when on this medicine.
  • You should use the most effective contraceptive methods during intercourse with a partner during the treatment and for the next 7 days after the end of the treatment.
  • Favipiravir can pass in semen, hence if a male is taking this medicine, then he should not have intercourse with his partner or pregnant partner. It is mandatory to use a condom to avoid pregnancy, use it for the next 7 days after stopping the medicine.
  • Be cautious if you have a history of abnormalities in the metabolism of uric acid or having gout.

When should one not use Favipiravir:

  • If you are allergic to favipiravir.
  • If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • If you have liver or kidney related disease or problems.

What may interact with this medicine?

Interactions with other medicines:

  • Some medicines can affect the way favipiravir works, or favipiravir itself can reduce the effectiveness of other medicines taken at the same time.
  • Tell your doctor about all the medicines, supplements, or herbals you are currently taking or might take to avoid any possible interaction.
  • Especially if you are taking medicines for tuberculosis, antidiabetic medicines and medicines for viral infection.

What side effects may I notice from this medicine?

Common side effects of this drug are:

  • Diarrhoea
  • Increased uric acid levels
  • Decreased white blood cells count
  • Increased liver enzymes
  • Psychiatric symptoms
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