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Generisk Acetazolamide - Diamox, Aggrenox, Cosopt, Jalyn, Janumet, Namenda, Tegretol, Topamax, Trusopt



Acetazolamide 250mg

Generic Diamox is used for treating certain types of glaucoma in combination with other medicines. It is also used to treat or prevent symptoms of mountain sickness.
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kr 5.78 Køb nu!


Aspirin - Dipyridamole 25mg + 200mg

Generic Aggrenox is used for reducing the risk of stroke in patients who have previously had a stroke due to a blood clot in the brain. It is also used to reduce the risk of stroke in patients who have had transient ischemic attacks (TIAs).
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kr 8.00 Køb nu!


Dorzolamide, Timolol 2% + 0.5% 5ml

Generic Cosopt is used to treat certain types of glaucoma and other causes of high pressure inside the eye. Dorzolamide reduces the amount of fluid in the eye, which decreases pressure inside the eye. Timolol is a beta-blocker that also reduces pressure inside the eye.
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kr 277.42 Køb nu!


Dutasteride + Tamsulosin 0.5mg + 0.4mg

Treating symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in men who have an enlarged prostate gland. Dutasteride/tamsulosin is a 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor and alpha-blocker combination. The 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor (dutasteride) works by lowering levels of a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is a major cause of prostate growth. The alpha-blocker (tamsulosin) works by relaxing muscles in the prostate and bladder. Dutasteride/tamsulosin helps to decrease the size of the prostate and reduce symptoms of BPH.
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kr 15.42 Køb nu!


Sitagliptin - Metformin 500mg + 50/1000mg + 50mg

Generic Janumet and sitagliptin are oral diabetes medicines that help control blood sugar levels. Generic Janumet works by decreasing glucose (sugar) production in the liver and decreasing absorption of glucose by the intestines. Sitagliptin works by regulating the levels of insulin your body produces after eating
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kr 9.72 Køb nu!


Memantine 5/10mg

Generic Namenda reduces the actions of chemicals in the brain that may contribute to the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Generic Namenda is used to treat moderate to severe dementia of the Alzheimer's type.
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kr 5.55 Køb nu!


Carbamazepine 100/200/400mg

Generic Tegretol is used for controlling certain types of epileptic seizures. It is also used to treat severe pain of the jaw or cheek caused by a facial nerve problem (trigeminal neuralgia).
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kr 5.40 Køb nu!


Topiramate 25/50/100/200mg

Generisk Topamax anvendes til at behandle anfald hos visse patienter. Det kan bruges alene eller sammen med andre mediciner. Det kan også anvendes til at forhindre migræne hovedpiner.
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kr 6.94 Køb nu!


Dorzolamide 2% 5ml

Trusopt reducerer mængden af væske i øjet, hvilket mindsker trykket inde i øjet. Trusopt oftalmologisk (til øjne) anvendes til behandling af åben vinklet glaukom og andre årsager til højt tryk inde i øjet.
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kr 219.60 Køb nu!
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