Generic Parlodel is used for treating Parkinson disease, certain conditions caused by too much prolactin in the blood (eg, excessive or abnormal breast milk production), certain menstrual problems or abnormally large growth of certain body parts (acromegaly). Mer info »
Generic Ilosone is used to treat many kinds of infections and to prevent ''strep'' infections in patients with a history of rheumatic heart disease who may be allergic to penicillin. Mer info »
Generic Neoral is used for preventing the rejection of organ transplants (kidney, liver, and heart). This medicine is also used to treat psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis in certain patients. Mer info »
Generisk Phenergan hörs till en grupp av läkemedel som kallas fenotiaziner. Det fungerar genom att ändra kemikaliernas åtgärder i mans hjärna. Prometazin (den aktiva ingrediensen) fungerar också som en antihistamin. Det blockerar effekterna av det naturligt förekommande kemiska histaminet i mans kropp. Phenergan används för att behandla allergysymtom som klåda, rinnande näsa, nysningar, kliande eller vattna ögon, nässelfeber och kliande hudutslag. Phenergan förhindrar också rörelsesjuka och behandlar illamående och kräkningar eller smärta efter en operation. Det används också som lugnande medel eller sömnhjälpmedel. Mer info »
Generic Phenergan belongs to a group of drugs called phenothiazines. It works by changing the actions of chemicals in your brain. Promethazine (the active ingredient) also acts as an antihistamine. It blocks the effects of the naturally occurring chemical histamine in your body. Phenergan is used to treat allergy symptoms such as itching, runny nose, sneezing, itchy or watery eyes, hives, and itchy skin rashes. Phenergan also prevents motion sickness, and treats nausea and vomiting or pain after surgery. It is also used as a sedative or sleep aid. Mer info »
Generic Prograf is used for preventing organ rejection in patients following liver, kidney or heart transplant. It may be used along with other medicines. Mer info »