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Kategória lista

Generikus Clozapine - Clozaril, Cosopt, Effexor Xr, Geodon, Luvox, Mellaril, Thorazine, Vesicare, Zyprexa



Clozapine 25/50/100mg

Generic Clozaril is used for managing schizophrenia in patients who do not respond to other medicines. It is also used to decrease the risk of suicidal behavior in certain patients.
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Ft 1509.16 Vásároljon most!


Dorzolamide, Timolol 2% + 0.5% 5ml

Generic Cosopt is used to treat certain types of glaucoma and other causes of high pressure inside the eye. Dorzolamide reduces the amount of fluid in the eye, which decreases pressure inside the eye. Timolol is a beta-blocker that also reduces pressure inside the eye.
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Ft 14629.63 Vásároljon most!
Effexor Xr

Effexor XR

Venlafaxine 37.5/75/150mg

Generic Effexor Extended-Release is used for treating depression, panic disorder, generalized or social anxiety disorder.
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Ft 309.94 Vásároljon most!


Ziprasidone 20/40mg

Generic Geodon is an antipsychotic medication. It works by changing the effects of chemicals in the brain. It is used to treat schizophrenia and the manic symptoms of bipolar disorder (manic depression).
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Ft 330.27 Vásároljon most!


Fluvoxamine 50/100mg

Generic Luvox is an antidepressant in a group of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). It is used for treating social anxiety disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
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Ft 569.12 Vásároljon most!


Thioridazine 10/25/50mg

Generic Mellaril is used for treating mental disorder known as schizophrenia (a severe loss of contact with reality).
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Ft 284.53 Vásároljon most!


Chlorpromazine 50/100mg

Generic Thorazine is used for treating certain mental or mood disorders (eg, schizophrenia), the manic phase of manic-depressive disorder, anxiety and restlessness before surgery, porphyria, severe behavioral and conduct disorders in children, nausea and vomiting and severe hiccups. It is also used with other medicines to treat symptoms associated with tetanus.
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Ft 223.55 Vásároljon most!


Solifenacin 5/10mg

Generic Vesicare reduces muscle spasms of the bladder and urinary tract. Generic Vesicare is used to treat symptoms of overactive bladder, such as frequent or urgent urination, and incontinence (urine leakage).
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Ft 873.98 Vásároljon most!


Olanzapine 2.5/5/7.5/10/15/20mg

Generic Zyprexa is used to treat the symptoms of psychotic conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (manic depression).
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Ft 264.21 Vásároljon most!
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