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Generisk Daclatasvir - Daklinza, Natdac



Daclatasvir 60mg

Generisk Daklinza er et antiviralt lægemiddel, som forhindrer hepatitis C virus (HCV) fra at opformeres i din krop. Daclatasvir bruges til at behandle genotype 3 kronisk hepatitis C hos voksne uden cirrose. Denne medicin gives sammen med et andet lægemiddel kaldet sofosbuvir.
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kr 100.96 Køb nu!


Daclatasvir 60mg

Natdac® is an inhibitor of the viral (hepatitis C virus) protein NS5A, which is used in the replication of hepatitis C virus within the liver cells (hepatocytes) and, thus, prevents the virus from entering infected hepatocytes into the blood. Thanks to this action, it is possible to prevent the spread of the virus in the body. Natdac® (daсlatasvir) is a highly specific direct action agent against hepatitis C virus (HCV) and has no pronounced activity against other RNA and DNA containing viruses, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Natdac®, as an inhibitor of the nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A), a multifunctional protein required for HCV replication, suppresses two stages of the life cycle of the virus-viral RNA replication and virion assembly.
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kr 56.79 Køb nu!
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Pakken kom sidste uge uden problemer. Resultatet......har meget travlt med mine kærester nu. - Tak

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