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Lista kategorii

Ogólny Metoclopramide - Reglan, Amaryl, Dostinex, Fleqsuvy, Glucotrol, Glucotrol Xl, Glucovance, Lanoxin, Lexapro, Micronase

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Metoclopramide 10mg

Generic Reglan is used for short-term treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in certain patients who do not respond to other therapy. It is used to treat symptoms of a certain digestive problem in diabetic patients (diabetic gastroparesis).
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zl 3.51 Kup teraz!


Glimepiride 1/2/3/4mg

Generic Amaryl is used for treating type 2 diabetes in patients who cannot control blood sugar levels by diet and exercise alone.
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zl 4.93 Kup teraz!


Cabergoline 0.25/0.5mg

Generic Dostinex is used for treating disorders associated with high levels of the hormone prolactin, either due to tumors in the pituitary gland or to unknown causes.
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zl 46.92 Kup teraz!


Baclofen 100ml

Baclofen jest stosowany w celu rozluźnienia niektórych mięśni ciała. Działa na ośrodkowy układ nerwowy (OUN), powodując jego działanie zwiotczające mięśnie. Baclofen nie leczy tych problemów, ale może pozwolić na inne leczenie, takie jak fizykoterapia, być bardziej pomocne w poprawie stanu pacjenta.
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zl 122.40 Kup teraz!


Glipizide 5mg

Generic Glucotrol is used for treating type 2 diabetes in patients who cannot control blood sugar levels by diet and exercise alone.
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zl 2.49 Kup teraz!
Glucotrol Xl

Glucotrol XL

Glipizide 10mg

Generic Glucotrol XL is used for treating type 2 diabetes in patients who cannot control blood sugar levels by diet and exercise alone.
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zl 3.68 Kup teraz!


Glyburide(glibenclamide) - Metformin 2.5mg + 400/5mg + 500mg

Generic Glucovance is used for treating type 2 diabetes. It is used along with diet and exercise. It may be used alone or with other antidiabetic medicine.
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zl 4.31 Kup teraz!


Digoxin 0.25mg

Generic Lanoxin is used for treating heart failure and slowing the heart rate in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation, a type of abnormal heart rhythm.
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zl 3.06 Kup teraz!


Escitalopram 5/10/20mg

Generic Lexapro is used for treating depression and generalized anxiety disorder.
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zl 4.42 Kup teraz!


Glyburide(glibenclamide) 1.25/2.5/5mg

Generic Micronase is used for treating type 2 diabetes in patients who cannot control blood sugar levels by diet and exercise alone. It may be used alone or with other antidiabetic medicines.
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zl 2.49 Kup teraz!


Pramipexole 0.125/0.25/0.5/1mg

Generic Mirapex has some of the same effects as a chemical called dopamine, which occurs naturally in your body. Low levels of dopamine in the brain are associated with Parkinson's disease. Pramipexole tablets are used to treat signs and symptoms of Parkinson's disease and for the treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)
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zl 2.72 Kup teraz!


Cyclosporine 25/50/100mg

Generic Neoral is used for preventing the rejection of organ transplants (kidney, liver, and heart). This medicine is also used to treat psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis in certain patients.
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zl 12.24 Kup teraz!


Bromocriptine 2.5mg

Generic Parlodel is used for treating Parkinson disease, certain conditions caused by too much prolactin in the blood (eg, excessive or abnormal breast milk production), certain menstrual problems or abnormally large growth of certain body parts (acromegaly).
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zl 7.93 Kup teraz!


Promethazine 10/25mg

Generic Phenergan należy do grupy leków zwanych fenotiazynami. Działa poprzez zmianę działania substancji chemicznych w mózgu. Promethazine (aktywny składnik) działa również jako lek antyhistaminowy. Blokuje efekty naturalnie występującej chemicznej histaminy w organizmie. Phenergan jest stosowany w leczeniu objawów alergii, takich jak swędzenie, katar, kichanie, swędzenie lub łzawienie oczu, pokrzywka i swędząca wysypka skórna. Phenergan zapobiega również chorobie lokomocyjnej i leczy nudności i wymioty lub ból po zabiegu chirurgicznym. Jest również stosowany jako środek uspokajający lub wspomagający sen.
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zl 1.81 Kup teraz!
Phenergan Syrup

Phenergan Syrup

Promethazine 100ml

Generic Phenergan belongs to a group of drugs called phenothiazines. It works by changing the actions of chemicals in your brain. Promethazine (the active ingredient) also acts as an antihistamine. It blocks the effects of the naturally occurring chemical histamine in your body. Phenergan is used to treat allergy symptoms such as itching, runny nose, sneezing, itchy or watery eyes, hives, and itchy skin rashes. Phenergan also prevents motion sickness, and treats nausea and vomiting or pain after surgery. It is also used as a sedative or sleep aid.
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zl 40.77 Kup teraz!


Ropinirole 0.25/0.5/1/2mg

Generic Requip is used for treating Parkinson disease and restless leg syndrome (RLS).
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zl 3.40 Kup teraz!


Carbidopa - Levodopa 10mg + 100/25mg + 100/25mg + 250mg

Generic Sinemet is used for treating symptoms associated with Parkinson disease and parkinsonism-like symptoms caused by other conditions.
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zl 2.95 Kup teraz!
Sinemet Cr

Sinemet CR

Carbidopa - Levodopa 50mg + 200mg

Generic Sinemet Controlled-Release is used for treating symptoms associated with Parkinson disease and parkinsonism-like symptoms caused by other conditions.
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zl 5.21 Kup teraz!


Carbidopa - Levodopa - Entacapone 25mg + 100mg + 200mg

LEVODOPA is converted to a chemical called dopamine (DOE pa meen) in the brain. Symptoms of Parkinson's disease may be caused by low levels of dopamine in the brain. CARBIDOPA helps prevent the breakdown of levodopa before it can reach the brain and take effect. ENTACAPONE increases levels of levodopa in the body. The combination of carbidopa, entacapone, and levodopa is used to treat Parkinson symptoms such as muscle stiffness, tremors, spasms, and poor muscle control.
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zl 4.99 Kup teraz!


Flavoxate 200mg

Generic Urispas (Flavoxate) is an anticholinergic agent used to treat bladder or bowel spasms and in combination with other medicines to treat ulcers.
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zl 6.57 Kup teraz!
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Szanowni Państwo,

Zamówienie złożone 19-05-2006 dostarczono do mnie w ciągu 7 dni, bardzo imponujący serwis. Bądźcie pewni, że gdy zdecyduję się na dalsze zamówienia, skontaktuję się z Wami ponownie, a także poinformuję o Waszym wspaniałym serwisie moich przyjaciół.

Wielkie dzięki - Bartek

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