Efavirenz is used for treating HIV infection in combination with other medicines. If this medicine is taken alone to treat HIV, it may stop working. More info »
Efavirenz-Emtricitabine-Tenofovir is an antiviral medication that prevents human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from reproducing in your body. More info »
Tenofovir-Disoproxil Fumarate is an antiviral medication that prevents human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or hepatitis B virus cells from multiplying in your body. It is used to treat HIV, which causes the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). It is not a cure for HIV or AIDS. Tenofovir is also used to treat chronic hepatitis B. More info »
Tenofovir-Emtricitabine are antiviral drug that work by preventing HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) cells from multiplying in the body.
Tenofovir-Emtricitabine is used to treat HIV, which causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). This medicine is not a cure for HIV or AIDS.
Tenvir Em is also called as truvada (brand name given by Gilead). It is used together with safer-sex practices to reduce the risk of becoming infected with HIV. You must be HIV-negative to use Tenofovir-Emtricitabine for this purpose. This medication may not provide protection from disease in every person. More info »
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